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Since DART’s founding in 1983, we have focused on serving the public with mobility options that connect people, communities, and destinations across North Texas. The Plan comprises three sections: Our System, Our Opportunity, and Our Guide. Our System highlights what we do and how it’s changing, the evolution of our system, whom we serve, and the future outlook on mobility trends and conditions. Our Opportunity shows how we’re preparing for our future mobility by focusing on opportunities under five themes and a set of associated goals. The final section, Our Guide, documents how we’ll implement our future system by outlining a set of actions for each goal, including timeframes and responsibilities.
The North Texas region will continue to grow rapidly into the future, adding nearly 4 million new residents and approximately 2.2 million jobs by the year 2045. At the same time, the mobility landscape is changing with new technology and innovative services. To address this rapid growth and new mobility trends, DART adopted the 2045 Transit System Plan as an update to our prior long-range plan. The 2045 Transit System Plan will shape DART's new mobility future through strategic improvements and investments to create a more accessible, sustainable, and reliable system.
The 2045 Transit System Plan is available for public distribution. The entire Plan is divided into three parts - Our System, Our Opportunity, and Our Guide - to describe where we are, what we're focused on, and how we'll get there. In addition, there are five theme brochures that complement the Plan and provide more details about our opportunities and goals. An Executive Summary also provides a quick overview.
Have questions? Reach out to us directly.